Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GPS in kids cell phone

What do you think about GPS in kids' cell phone? I think that is good for parents to know where you are because, they are just trying to keep you safe. If you do not agree with this and you are a kid,what will you be doing that is so bad that you don't want your parents to find out about? If you ever get lost, or can not find your way back home, your parents can find where you are and come and get you. Parents will never have to worry about where you are and will be able to know if you are following their rules. Your parents are just taking safety precaution, and that is why I think that it is o.k. for parents to put a GPS in their children's cell phone.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chocolate Cake with Homemade Frosting

    The reason why I chose this is because I truly adore chocolate cake and I love to cook it because, it is so easy and it taste so good.

This is how you make chocolate cake with home made frosting.

These are the directions to create chocolate cake.

  • Set your oven to 350 degrees F

  • Spray your pan with cooking spray so the cake will not stick to your pan

  • Blend the 1-1/4 cups of water with 1/3 cup of oil and three eggs in a large bowl

    Beat with a mixer on medium speed for two minutes or whisk by hand for two minutes

            • When you insert a toothpick and it comes out clean than your cake is done

              • Allow your cake to cool for 10 to 15 minutes before removing from the pan
                Cool cake completely before frosting

                        This is how you create the Class Buttercream Icing

                • 1 cup of solid whit vegetable shortening

                        • 1 teaspoon of Wilton Flavor (Vanilla, Almond, or Butter)

                        • 1lb. pure cane confectioners' sugar (approximately 4 cups)

                        • 1tablespoon of Wilton Meringue Powder

                        • A pinch of salt (optional)

                        *Wilton's Flavors may be used in any combination to suite your taste

                        Cream shortening, flavoring and water. Add dry ingredients and mix on medium speed until all ingredients have been thoroughly mixed together. Blend an additional minute or so, until creamy.

                        This is my cake after my friends got hold of it.

                Friday, February 13, 2009

                Valentines Day

                Stuff that I love and hate about Valentines Day. The thing I like most about it is that you can send fun stuff to your friends and have huge parties. The thing that I hate about it is that my family never decorates of this holiday. Me on the other hand I love to decorate for every holiday and I always get gifts for all of my family. (When I have enough money.) All in all I think Valentines is a great holiday.

                Wednesday, February 11, 2009


                TAYLOR SWIFT

                I would have to say that Taylor Swift is one of my favorite county singers. I just love all of her songs, and can't wait for her to come out with more. She was the biggest selling artist of 2008 with combined sales of more than four million albums. Taylor was born in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, on May 15, 2007, she performed "Tim McGraw" at the Academy of Country Music Awards. That is why I like Taylor Swift and all of her music.

                Monday, February 9, 2009

                My favorite president

                My favorite president would have to George Washington because he was the very first president of the United States of America. He served as president since 1789 to 1797. He was a very great leader because he brought military arts and western expansion to America. That is why I like George Washington.

                http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/georgewashington/ http://www.artinthepicture.com/artists/Gilbert_Stuart/george_washington.jpeg

                My inner cartoon

                If I had an inner cartoon it would probably have to be Remy in the movie Ratatouille. He is so fun and can be very adventures I could see some of him as my inner cartoon. Although he has his ups and downs everything works out in the end. The fact that is a good friend, and always can figure something out in the end is part of the reason why he is so neat. I also love when he puts his mind to something he can always get it acomplished This is why I think that Remy is my inner cartoon.


                Tuesday, February 3, 2009

                Beach Vacation

                Some day I would love to move to the beach. One of my trips of was to St. Augustine Florida. When we first got there, we went to the most horrible house ever. There were long stairs that were falling apart, that led up to the front door. You would walk inside and see more stairs, then when you finally got to the top there were a bunch of old pictures that were over the couch. The carpet did not fill up all of the floor, so there was wood sticking around on parts of the floor. We walked into the bed rooms, there was a blanket for the door. When we looked in the bed there was barf in the bed. The bathroom had only one sink and the shower was extremely small plus, the water would not even turn on. On the deck the were a couple of benches;the deck made of wood, it was so splintery that it would get stuck in your shoes. We all really hated that house. My dad went and searched for another house that we could barrow for a week. Thank goodness he finally found one after he searched for about five hours. It was just a couple of miles down the street. Once we arrived there, it was the most wonderful beach house we had ever seen. There were eight beds and two bathrooms. There were hardwood floors though the whole house. The living room was beautiful, there were two very nice couches. The kitchen had great appliances that looked brand new. Once we had brought all of our stuff inside we had gone to bed. In the morning we got up really early, and hit the beaches. Sadly I could not get surfing lessons while I was there but other wise I had a great time. Once we were there for a couple of days we had met this really nice girl that lived right beside us, but she actually lived there, unlike us. She tough us a bunch of fun games that you can play on the beach. It was great to have he here there. We built a huge sand castle, and dug an extremely large hole in the sand. After we were done at the beach we went to explore the town. We went to Wrigley's Believe it or not whichwas right down the street from us.When we went inside there was an old man(That we fake) that was standing in front of a door way pretending to take a picture, and I actually fell for it because the camera that he was holding was flashing. I felt pretty stupid after that, because there a bunch of people behind me, and I was kind of holding up a huge line waiting for the "Old man" to take the picture. Every one was laughing after I finally realised that he was fake. Any way there were a bunch of amazing things that were there. The town was absolutely beautiful as we drove through it. All in all we had a wonderful time at St.Augustine Florida.