Wednesday, May 20, 2009


If I could do a prank, I would probably get a huge blanket of some sort and I would hang it above the door of my brothers room and I would fill the whole thing with bacon and I would have it rigged up so that when he opens the door there will be a string attached to the door nob so when he opens the door all of the bacon would fall and then he would be all freaked out!!! And it would be sweet. That would really be the best prank ever. O YEAH!! And if I were rich I would probably like buy an elephant and I would put it in his room(cause it is his birthday on like Saturday) and I would put like a huge card on the elephants back so then he would like really like it and freak out even more. He would like pee in his pants and then I would take a picture of him and I would sell it on eBay for a million dollars, and then I would be even richer. This is what I would do for a fun prank.

Monday, May 18, 2009

My inspiration

Some one who has inspired me is probably my cousin. She is kind, funny, caring, and nice. One time, there was a little kid who was wondering around trying to find its mom and she went over and helped the child until it found its mom. I thought that that was really nice of her and that is why she inspired me to be helpful.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Exploding Planet

This is my exploding planet. It is a reddish purple color. I made it on photoshop.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Evil Kitties

These are EVIL kitties. They scare me.

My favorite and least favorite part of school

My favorite part/time of the school year

  • My favorite part of the school year is when school gets out.

  • My second most favorite part of the school year is when we get to go on field trips.

My least favorite part/time of the school year

  • Last year when the tornado hit our school and town.

  • When we have mid terms.

  • When we have CSAP.

  • When we have finals.

Monday, May 4, 2009

What I Hate

I really hate it when you tell your friend that you can hang out, and then your parents say that you can't go for no good reason at all, or when they plan stuff to do when you already had plans that you told then about a week before. Some times they just simply say that they don't care about what you want to do, and they just go right along with their plans. I just wish they would be more understanding. I would understand, if I were going somewhere with somebody that they didn't know, but when you just want to hang out at the park with your friends that live a couple blocks away, and then they say you can't, it just really makes me mad. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!!